Social Activities – within the Alsager and Surrounding Areas 

Alsager Carers Group – A warm welcome, time to relax, chat and have fun.  Each month there is something different.  They can access support and advice for you and will give you the opportunity to meet other carers. 2-4pm – 2nd Wednesday of every month, includes tea, coffee and biscuits.  Alsager Fire Station, Alsager .  
Alsager Civic Lunch Club – Social environment with nutritious lunch for Seniors.  Tuesdays and Thursdays.   Lunch served at 12 noon.  Cost £5.  Transport can be arranged.  07513 378398 
Alsager Library – Colour and Chat Circle every Monday 2-4pm.  Tea and coffee provided.   Free of charge – no need to book (donations accepted) 01270 375325 
Alsager Library – Coffee morning every Wednesday 10-12pm.  Meet a variety of community groups and services.  Free of charge – no need to book (donations accepted) 01270 375325 
Alsager Memory Café – Support group for people with dementia and carers. Last Friday of each month at Alsager Library. 11.00-12:45pm free / Kath – 01270 873975
Alsager U3A – Offers a variety of groups, courses and day trips.  Low cost yearly / membership required.  Alan –  01270 878013Alsager and District U3A Groups (
Board Games for Mental Health – Alsager United Reformed Church, every third Saturday between 2-4pm
Body Control Pilates classes in Alsager and Church Lawton – Small group Pilates classes catering for all ages and abilities – including safe classes for pregnancy, postpartum, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and back pain and bone health management. Classes take place at IQ Therapies, Alsager Wellness Rooms and Lawton Memorial Hall. Advance block booking will be required. Please e-mail: for availability or call Lisa Shirley on 07816 879095Red Pilates body control pilates matwork classes in Alsager by Lisa Shirley. Exercises to improve your strength & flexibility through targeting core/postural muscles. Learn how to engage your core! – Home
Carry on Dancing – Top to Toe exercise.  Friday 10-11:30am.  Alsager United Reformed Church.    £3 including refreshments.  Valerie – 07817 172052
Christ Church Hall (35 Church Road, Alsager, ST7 2HS) – BIG Breakfast – Mondays 8-10am.  £3 for adults / £1 for any age school child / free of charge for pre-school children. Debbie – 01270 872291 (term-time only) 
Christ Church Hall (35 Church Road, Alsager, ST7 2HS) – Cherubs – Mondays 1:30-3pm.  £1 per child.  A group of parents, grandparents, babies and toddlers to meet together in a safe and friendly environment.  Debbie – 01270 872291 (term-time only) 
Christ Church Hall (35 Church Road, Alsager, ST7 2HS) – Tea on Tuesdays – 4-5:30pm. Free meal – games and crafts.  Children and families are welcome to attend.  Debbie – 01270 872291 (term-time only) 
Christ Church Hall (35 Church Road, Alsager, ST7 2HS) – Chat and Chill – Fridays 3:15-4:15pm.  After school Board Game Cafe.  Free hot drink and cake / computers for homework / board and card games / space to chat.  School years 7-11.  Debbie – 01270 872291 (term-time only) 
Geezers – Games and chat for men aged 65 and over at the 13 Club, Alsager. Thursdays 1.30-3.30pm £2.  Kath – 07443 492573
Heydays – Social fun for the 65s and over including those living with dementia.  13 Club, Alsager.  Friday 2-4.00pm.  £3 including refreshments.  Limited transport may be available – please call for further information.  Kath – 07443 492573  
Love to Dance – Tea Dance – sequence dancing with qualified instructor. Mondays 2-4pm.  Church Lawton Memorial Hall.  £6 a session – 07980 636274
Love to Dance – Thursday Social Dances – every Thursday evening.  Come and enjoy a great mix of Ballroom, Latin and Sequence dances.  Dancing from 7:45pm-10:15pm.  Admission £7.  Alsager Civic Centre – 07980 636274
Royal British Legion Veterans Breakfast Club – last Saturday of each month – 9-11am.  Plough Inn, Alsager £1.50/£2.50 including tea or coffee
Sing Along – informal singing for people with memory problems.  2nd Wednesday of every month 2.30-4pm.  Twyford House, Alsager.  Free / Kath – 01270 873975
Stroke Survivors – Speech and Language Support Group.  01270 335 061.  Alsager Group Meetings – Thursday 10:30am – 12pm (13 Club, Alsager) 
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) – Offers friendship, companionship and practical support to vulnerable people of all ages (DBS check).  Subject to availability – limited spaces – 07510 223337